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The Latest Method to Quickly Overcome "Operation not possible due to RF-kill" in Kali Linux 2024

The Latest Method to Quickly Overcome "Operation not possible due to RF-kill" in Kali Linux 2024

How to resolve the "Operation not possible due to RF-kill" error in Kali Linux?

Well, the solution is quite easy and straightforward. Let's check first if our Wi-Fi device is blocked by the system. Here are the steps:

1. Periksa apakah Wi-Fi kita diblokir

Langkah awal yang harus dilakukan adalah memeriksa apakah Wi-Fi kita diblokir atau tidak dengan menjalankan perintah berikut di terminal: `rfkill list`

rfkill unblock command

2. Using the Unblock Command with rfkill

If it is detected that Wi-Fi is currently blocked, the next step is to remove the block by executing the following commands: rfkill unblock wifi
rfkill unblock all

Next, we check again whether it is no longer blocked using the command: rfkill list rfkill wifi command

And indeed, it is no longer blocked, and the error 132 "Operation not possible due to RF-kill" has been successfully resolved. Now, we can proceed with penetration activities.

This blocking commonly occurs on laptops, especially when the Wi-Fi device on the laptop is installed automatically. This message appears when attempting to use tools related to wireless capabilities.

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